If this is the first time you want to place a debt with us for collection, please send the collection form together with the required documents to the following email address:
A Collections employee will contact you shortly.
What if the customer doesn’t pay?
If your customer can’t or won’t settle a receivable, it is important to take action as quickly as possible. Start collection procedures immediately.
To help you do this, Allianz Trade Services Schweiz AG offers a debt collection service which takes all necessary measures on your behalf.
Who does Allianz Trade offer the collection service to?
Allianz Trade Services Schweiz AG offers this service exclusively to its policyholders.
Some of our policies include collection services (we call this “integrated collection”). Alternatively, you can place a single debt with us and mandate us to collect it.
When should I contact you?
If you do not want to carry out the necessary collection procedures yourself, you can choose to place a debt with us for collection. To do so, please place a debt collection case with us as soon as it becomes apparent that the outstanding receivables will not be paid.
If you have an integrated collection policy, make sure you keep to the deadline agreed in the policy for handing over debts for collection.
Who does Allianz Trade offer the collection service to?
Allianz Trade Services Schweiz AG offers this service exclusively to its policyholders.
Some of our policies include collection services (we call this “integrated collection”). Alternatively, you can place a single debt with us and mandate us to collect it.
Can I input and track my collection cases myself?
Yes, you can. We will be happy to provide you with access to our online collection system, which enables you to submit your collection cases online any time and anywhere.
If you already have online access to Collections, please submit your collection cases directly to Allianz Trade Services Schweiz AG online.
Always remember to provide all the necessary documentation.
What documents should be submitted with a collection case?
- Completed collection form
- Invoices
- Outstanding items list
- Additional documents on request
What do I do if the debtor contacts me?
Please inform us about any contact you have with your debtor. Do not take any action yourself.
Debtors may still contact you directly, e.g. with a payment proposal. Once you have submitted a collection case, however, we ask you to refrain from actively negotiating with such customers or taking any further action against them.
What events should I report immediately to Allianz Trade?
Please be sure to notify us immediately of the following events:
- Payments received
- Credit notes
- Any other useful information about the debtor
Does Allianz Trade also provide debt collection for debtors based abroad?
Yes, Allianz Trade Services Schweiz AG operates internationally in cooperation with the debt collection companies of the Allianz Trade Group.
The Allianz Trade Group can carry out collection procedures in the country in which your customer is based, where they are familiar with the local language, law and business practices.
What receivables can I place for collection?
You can place both insured and uninsured receivables with us for collection. That includes, for example, receivables from a debtor in a country that you have not insured.
How do I stay informed about the collection process?
When you give us a collection mandate, Allianz Trade Services Schweiz AG will take all necessary collection measures.
If there is a chance that additional costs will arise that you will have to pay, we will always tell you in advance so that you have the opportunity to refrain from incurring them. Please note that this may result in collection measures being discontinued unless further options for action are available.
You will be regularly informed about successful collections and informed about the next steps.
In addition, Collection Online offers you the opportunity to view your collection cases any time and anywhere and to obtain an overview of the current status of your collection mandates.
When does a collection mandate end?
Collection cases usually end with the full settlement of the outstanding receivable.
Special arrangements may also be made whereby a settlement agreement or a waiver is agreed to settle an outstanding receivable.
For business reasons, it may make sense to keep the collection mandate in place. Where this is the case, we will inform you about the steps we plan to take.
We reserve the right to reject a collection case if we do not have the necessary documents and contact details that we need for a professional collection process.